Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Grunt Work

The original plan for painting and putting the nursery together was to have my best friend come into town over Labor Day and help me out. That plan was quickly changed when I was placed on bed rest and then we had no idea when it would come together.

My WONDERFUL in-laws came to our rescue and offered to come up and help us paint. They taped up the walls, laid down the drop cloths, and helped clear out the room. Most of the furniture had already been cleared out; however, that pesky dog eaten sofa still needed to be moved. To get the sofa in the room we had to take the door off and even then it took some serious grunt to get it through the door way. As my hubby and father-in-law huffed and puffed they couldn't get it out. In the end they had to cut the couch in half. I think Brandon took a little too much joy in sawing it in half; he always hated that couch. What once was a perfectly good couch was placed next to a dumpster, picked up by cheapskates and eaten by a dog has now been cut in half and lies in wait for ID to come pick it up. Poor couch has been through a lot!

Once the couch was out we could paint and with in hours the room went from a light brown to a bright and cheery yellow! Charlene was so excited to see the finished product she could hardly wait a hour to start peeling off the tape.

After letting the fumes disperse a few days I spent time putting the furniture together while Brandon took a quick break from work to replace all the outlet plates. We got a steal on the furniture and I was so excited to have a project that I could barley hold my excitement as Brandon pushed the box into the nursery for me; the box weighed almost 200lbs and the glue made it almost impossible to get in to. After 20 minutes of trying to tear the box open with our hands I went to the garage and got out the hammer, we didn't have a crow bar. For the next 45 minutes Brandon took the hammer to the ends of the box prying and ripping the stupid thing open. We spent more time getting into the box than I did putting the crib together! Although Brandon was very frustrated, I couldn't help but laugh at the security of it. It weighed so much there was no way you could steal it and even if you did there was no easy way to get into it; it was just too funny!
The furniture is put together, the walls are painted, and now I have the fun task of decorating. YAY!

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