Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cloth Diapering Step 3: Using Cloth

Although I read it time and time again and always just rolled my eyes, it really is true; babies look absolutely adorable running around in nothing but a cloth diaper. I put Andrew in cloth first thing in the morning and let him run around naked to get used to it. There really was no need because he took to it like he does everything else, with great adaptability and ease. He looked totally and completely ADORABLE! :)

I started my day with pre-folds and then moved to the fitted. Although I didn't mind the pre-folds Brandon was not a fan. Immediately he knew he wouldn't be able to take on the coordination that comes with a wiggling toddler and a pre-fold and turned it down on the spot. He was much more contented with the fitted and tomorrow we'll try the pockets and all-in-ones.

Wouldn't you know that my VERY first cloth diaper change would have to a poopy one! In a matter of 5 minutes I learned 2 very important things:

1. Anti-bacterial gel needs to be at the changing table
2. A sprayer on the toilet would be a wise investment should we decide to make this permanent. I didn't mind swishing and flushing; however, I did a doctor scrub on my hands when done.

The entire day went really well and I noticed an immediate change in Andrew when he wet in his diaper. He was completely aware. He still didn't care if he was wet but if watched carefully he gave a cue as to what was going on. I'm still highly optimistic and still don't really see what all the big fuss is about. Even the small load of laundry tonight wasn't bad; however, it didn't come after an 8 hour day at work.

On ward we go!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Cloth Diapering Step 2: Diaper Prep

Step1 being buy your diapers. 

So we have all our diapers; 9 in total: 3 pre-folds, 2 fitted, 2 pocket, and 2 all in ones. For this trial, since I didn't read the fine print, we'll have to wash each night. I think this will actually help since I know that if we commit to this the laundry will actually be less. :)

What people don't tell you is that when you get your diapers you have to pre- wash them. This is a process where you wash your diapers numerous times to rid them of manufacturing oils that prevent absorbency. Again contraversy reigns as to how many times, water temp, detergent or a cleaning agent. One sight recommended you just boil them in a large pot for 10 minutes; I wish I had read that first. ;)

I washed them twice in a hot/cold water cycle with an extra cold water rinse with out detergent, drying in between. I dried everything for 30 minutes on high, pulled out the pockets and all in ones to hang dry for the rest of the night then left all the pre-folds and inserts in the dryer for a normal full high cycle with low cool down. I repeated this once and we did not wash our covers. Andrew is not known to have sensitive skin so we were willing to take the risk and avoid washing these until I get a better feel for it. I would hate to ruin the water resistant covers right out of the gate, hehehe.

Although we're not doing this for the environmental value it still saves money to invest in cloth wipes as well. I researched cheap ways to do this and since I don't own a sewing machine and took the advice of a fellow money saver- I bought cheap baby wash clothes. 4 for $1. :) I found a homemade recipe for wipes solution on the internet of items we already had: water, baby wash, and olive oil. I bought a small spray bottle at Dollar Tree and found a medium spray bottle laying around the house. We'll put the smaller in his diaper bag and leave the medium one at the changing table.

Wipes and solution are ready and the diapers are finishing drying. Tomorrow morning I'll stuff the pockets and get it all ready for the day. :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cloth Diapering Step 1: Read the Fine Print

As Brandon carried a package in from the mail box he teased asking what in the world did I order now. Taking only a second to think I remembered, cloth diapers! Our thirty day trial had arrived. Feeling like a kid at Christmas I couldn't help but tear the package open immediately upon Brandon handing it to me. All thought went out the window, including dinner preparations, as I greedily pull each item out of the bag to inspect and get a closer look.

There was only one of each diaper. I only held 3 modern cloth diapers and 3 indian prefold diapers and the wind was punched right out of my sails. Realizing that dinner needed to be cooked I placed everything back into the bag and tried to calm my frantic mind as to what happened and process my confusion. Slightly distracted at dinner Brandon did most of the parenting and talking as the rest of the evening went on. Once Andrew was in bed I reached for my package and tried again to come to reason with what was inside.

As I touched and worked each diaper, more and more questions starting coming like a tsunami. Immediately I felt a huge sense of discouragement and was immensely overwhelmed. I held 3-6 cloth diapers and wanted to run for the hills. In lue of this discovery... I laughed.

Making my way to the computer I pulled up You Tube and started simple searches of How-To/ Cloth Diaper videos. My husband, having grown in wisdom since our vows, noticed the signs of his wife in the "leave me alone zone" left me for over a hour as I poured over video after video. My panic slowly began to fade at the completion of each video and my confidence and excitement returned as I realized my trial order blunder and made another order. This time I read the fine print. I could order 1 of each brand/ kind of diaper and I needed to order a Snappi (the contraption that replaces old school pins) and Wet Bag (to hold the soiled diapers until washing) separately.

Feeling a sense of relief and a boost of confidence, I was ready to talk to my husband again. It was decided that we would attend a cloth diaper class as well as contact some good friends who currently cloth diaper for some serious Q&A. We're both on board and ready to take it head on.

I'm pretty sure I know what method I'm going to prefer; however, I could be wrong and that method may not work for Andrew. Either way, the diapers are here and once the rest arrive and we have enough to get through 1-2 days we'll start. Next time I'll read the fine print a little closer and make sure I know what to expect, realistically. Lol. I'm excited, it's going to be an adventure!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 Day Trial

As Brandon and I venture into the multiple children territory we've been looking for ways to cut costs where ever we can. Since I need to work to help pay our bills and childcare is EXPENSIVE saving money is a must! For the last month I have researched the prospect of cloth diapering. The initial reason was simply curiosity since I had no idea what it meant or would cost. As I ran numbers, based on consumer reviews and articles, the difference between cloth and disposable made my eyes bug out of my head and my jaw crash to the ground.

For the Mann family to diaper 1 child, based on our present grocery/ diaper bills over the last year and a half, for 3 years costs around $3000-$3500. That is diapers and wipes ALONE people for 1 child! We will have 2 children in the fall bringing that total for the next 3-4 years to possibly $7000.

Cloth diapering is an upfront investment; however, the diapers we would use for Andrew we would also use for the next child and possibly any children we have later on. Cloth diaper investments for a woman like me who is more cost efficient than cuteness oriented the diaper ranges from $300-$500 over the same time period. Those numbers are based on discussion with moms I know who cloth diaper and the current cloth diaper pricing of the mid-range diapers. That costs covers enough diapers to do laundry every 3 days and is modified to accommodate the slight increase in water and laundry soap bills.

Those numbers alone caused my Brandon and my head to turn and be seriously willing to consider this option. I've spent hours pouring over emails to friends who cloth, on the phone talking to my dad who used cloth on my sisters, and reading article after article on what to-do and what not-to-do, which diapers to use, how to wash, all the options, and how to save money. Cloth diapering is a culture, it's a lifestyle. This is not to say that we would NEVER purchase or use disposables again; there is a time and place for them. The amount of money spent per year alone on disposables would range around $100 given that I watch for sales and use coupons.

My excitement is purely financial. We have no clue what we are getting ourselves into but the great thing about modern day: 30 day trials baby!!! For less than $80 I got to pick the type and style of diapers that I wanted to try, a little bit of everything out there, and give it a go to see if this culture and life style fits into the Mann mold. The best part is what ever we don't like, even if it's everything, we can send back and are only out the $10-$20 cleaning fee. I'd say $20 is worth the investment of a possible savings over $7000, wouldn't you?

The trial has been ordered and our journey begins. Here goes! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Only Seconds Long

Yet again the thought of how heavy my child is slammed my mind as I lifted Andrew off the changing table.With a huff I set his feet on the floor and turned toward the door not acknowledging if he was following or not. Seeing a spark in his eye I smiled as I walked out and turned off the light fully expecting him to follow. Having thrown away his soiled diaper I continued my morning routine of getting ready, applying my makeup and finishing up with my hair. As I pinned the last of my hair I noticed that I had not seen or heard from my son since leaving his room and dread started to rise in my stomach.

Knowing that Brandon had been in the kitchen and unaware of the fact that I left Andrew alone in his room I sighed as thoughts of what might be now spread across his floor. It could a number of things; books, diapers, wipes, anything he found in his closet. I was sure I'd left that door open.

Too tired, I prayed for patience to what I might find and made my way across our small house towards Andrew's room calmly calling his name. As I entered the semi dark room my eyes quickly adjusted. The floor was clean and all I found were a small pair of feet at the bottom of the curtain. Certain that my son was playing hiding and seek or peek- a- boo I called out to him again with a smile on my lips. He quickly poked his head out from behind the curtain to acknowledge me briefly before retreating back. Chuckling at his antics I made my way to the window and peeked around the curtain gently asking: "what are you doing?"

To my amazement my son was standing at the window holding up the shade. He turned with a smile that stretched from ear to ear and with wonder in his voice pointed out the window: "LOOK" he exclaimed! Gesturing for me to raise the shade he held his smile and turned back toward the window; immediately I removed his burden and let my eyes follow his out the window.

There in the front yard were 4 robins pecking away at their morning breakfast. Again Andrew turned to me with his eye brimming with excitement as he calmly stated around his pacifier: "bird". Placing my hand on his back and giving it a quick rub I smiled and encouraged him: "That's right, birds, 4 robins".

He simply smiled at me, then sighed, folded his arms on the window sill and turned back to watch the birds in the yard. Contently we stood there for no more than a minute or two before Brandon came looking for us, ready to leave for the day.

In those few minutes neither of us said a word. With my hand still on Andrew's back neither of us moved. We stood there letting our eyes take in the birds of the morning. When Brandon came in calling and asking what we were doing Andrew looked at me and then back out at the yard. Sighing again, he waved and told the birds: "bye bye" as we both moved toward Brandon and from around the curtain.

Chuckling again, I took a second to place the moment in my mind. I didn't want to forget the simple wonder of my son and his fascination with the robins. I wanted to savor the minute I shared just standing in silence with him. He is too young and the moment was too short for him to ever remember it but I hoped to place it in my memory and never forget it. To me it was something special and although brief I know it added to the love and bond I have with my son.

It was a phenomenal way to start my morning. Today it was better than any hug or kiss he could have given me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Silver Platter

These days most of our stories revolve around our son. I think Tiko, our dog, must have been feeling a bit jilted and has decided to create a little action to get one of his own. :)

This past Sunday night we planned our meals for the week and pulled out all the necessary meat for thawing. Seeing my husband take a 1-2 lb. chuck roast outside I assumed he placed it on the table (mistake #1- Erin) so it could be prepared that night for tomorrows dinner. Just before leaving for the grocery store I noticed that Tiko wanted out and with out really looking into the yard the I opened the door and let him out (mistake #2- Erin).

After a full grocery trip I made my way out to the car and noticed that I had missed 4 calls from Brandon. Shocked, the phone was on vibrate, I quickly dialed to see what emergency I missed. Calmly Brandon explained that we would not be having roast tomorrow night and he wanted to see what I wanted to fix instead. Not understanding the need for 4 calls over this confusion hit my like a brick and I asked "Why"? With a slight chuckle Brandon asked me if I had let the dog out and again I was unable to connect the dots. It wasn't until Brandon explained that Tiko had got a hold of our dinner that I understood. My classic belly laugh came bellowing out of me as I pictured our dog greedily going at the frozen meat. Surely he thought we had laid it out there just for him because Brandon had placed it on a chair (not the table like I thought) at head height in the middle of the yard; it was as if it were on a silver platter! When I let him out I'm sure he went straight for it. I was so distracted with the grocery list I didn't even notice the meat or the Tiko's excitement as I opened the door. Laughing still I defended Tiko, as it was truly my mistake, and commented on how smart he was.

The meat was completely shredded and Brandon tossed it all in the outside bin. Almost 2 lbs of raw chuck roast meat wasted, such a shame. hehehe. Since there was no real way to tell how much Tiko actually swallowed, how much he just tenderized, or how any of it would affect his system he slept outside Sunday night.

Thinking the funny story was over I was shocked, appalled, and nauseated when I woke up this morning. Having gone to bed early Brandon left Tiko in the house for the night (mistake #3- Brandon). I got up at 3:45 to use the restroom and I was confused at Tiko's reaction to me moving around; he was super clingy and needy as if there was a nasty storm outside. It was so out of the norm that despite my slumbered state I remembered his reaction; however, I still went back to bed and quickly fell back to sleep with out giving it another thought. Up at 6:45 to start the day I walked toward Andrew's room.

The dog had gotten sick all over the foyer. Moaning I headed for the kitchen and found more in the living room, all over the the kitchen, and in the dining area. By then the smell smacked me up side the head and I almost lost it. Running for the bathroom and calling for Brandon, who was in the shower, I explained the situation. We hashed out a clean up plan and Brandon retrieved Andrew from his room so I could avoid the smell of the foyer as much as possible. Lighting candles, turning on the fan, and opening windows we started to clean up. It was everywhere. Brandon found more on the carpet in the hall, it was on the kitchen cabinets, the baseboards, and even the dining area curtains. Everywhere.

As Brandon walked the house and found more and more of it he cried out: "Our entire house has been defecated!"  As we cleaned the house Andrew sat contently strapped in his booster eating his breakfast and occasionally commenting: "uh-oh!" While we wiped and mopped the title we had to borrow some carpet cleaner from a neighbor since we couldn't find ours. I couldn't help but chuckle and immediately felt horrible for finding the situation so funny.

All is clean and disinfected and Brandon and I scrubbed our hands like doctors going into surgery when it was all done and clean; I still feel gross. Tiko will remain outside the rest of the week and I would like to recant my previous statement, smart dog. STUPID DOG! Brandon has decided that Tiko will never sleep in the house again; Brandon never wants to wake up to a situation like this morning EVER again! hehehehe. :)

You could say Brandon and I had a pretty stinky morning. ;) Lavender spray people- it works, invest in some!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chattanooga CHOO-CHOO

For the first time the "new" Mann family took a family vacation.

Thursday morning at nap time we loaded up and headed out. The drive down went really well and Andrew did great and we got to the cabin just before bed time. He went down great the first night and slept all night- we were shocked and elated!

Most mornings were spent relaxing at the cabin until Andrew had napped and then once he got up we loaded up and he ate lunch on the road to Chattanooga. The little pig- all he did was eat ALL weekend, constantly!!!

Day 1: Although it poured down rain just as we finished getting ready for the day that did not damper our vacation excitement. We adjusted the weekend plans and opted for a day at the aquarium instead. What we didn't realize was that we were so intent on dinner the night before that we forgot to get gas. When we got out to the car we were almost completely empty; I'm talking like on E (but no gas light... yet). Brandon, thinking for sure that we had stopped, started to freak that we'd been siphoned somewhere on the road or at the cabin! Come to find out we're just forgetful; causing a classic loud deep belly laugh from me. Luckily we were at the top of the mountain and spent most of the drive down coasting in neutral. I laughed the whole way but Brandon didn't find it as funny as I did. :) It really was funny though... I mean, come on, knowing us- this would happen. lol.

The aquarium was SO much fun and came with plenty of Andrew exclamations of: wow, whoa, look, and giggles. It even came with some random break dance moves as we passed through a door way and the monkey heard music. The best part was when he would be looking at one fish and another would swim by, scaring him. His eyes would get HUGE and he would turn and asked to be picked up... I couldn't help but laugh each time it happened. The whole trip was hysterical and we had a blast! Dinner was at a Mellow Mushroom and the pizza rivaled our local Wick's.

Day 2: The temperature was in the WONDERFUL upper 70's so we opted for the Incline Railway and Rock City. Super excited about the Incline I found myself sorely disappointed at my terror on the dumb thing! The constant and slow feeling of "maybe" falling to my death at any moment didn't exhilarate my blood in the way I thought it would. Andrew was not impressed either. Although excited to get on the "choo-choo" the ride was too long to keep his attention and he wanted to move around before we were even 1/2 way up the mountain. The view from the top... a let down; I was ready for Rock City. :) Rocky City met my every expectation and Andrew loved hiking down the trail. I loved the swinging bridge more than my husband and son and might have upset a few strangers as I jumped, rocked, and bounced across it. Brandon and I both wished we had more time to spend there but still got to enjoy the visit and got plenty of fun pictures. Dinner was at the INCREDIBLE Sticky Fingers BBQ and everyone walked out stuffed!
Day 3: Not as well planned as the days 1 & 2. Starting out just after breakfast we parked close to the Riverfront and took a free shuttle to the Chattanooga Choo-Choo. Thinking the area would be just as nice as the Riverrfont with plenty to see and restaurants we were shocked to see the part of town it was in; the not so great part... We ate lunch at a small cafe in the hotel (very good) and spent the next hr getting Andrew to nap. The plan was while he napped Brandon and I would enjoy the sights and walk around... that only took about 45 minutes and the monkey naps for 1.5- 2 hours. Again, we just took the time to relax do what little shopping there was (they had a scrapbooking store! :) ) until he woke up. Once he was awake he snacked and walked around checking out the choo-choo. Back down at the Riverfront we thought he would enjoy all the water play- notta. He was done. He would splash his feet in but that was about all. Finally giving up at getting him in the water to play we paid for our parking and headed to dinner.

The restaurant I had chosen, come to find out, was closed on Sundays. Yep, right there on the pamphlet M-F and Saturday hours with nothing listed for Sunday. HAHAHAHA! Tired and hungry we drove back to the same parking gargage parked again and walked to Hennens. AWESOME restaurant with some of the best steak and fish either of us has ever had. Andrew was in a SUPER good mood so it was a VERY enjoyable "last meal" in Chattanooga.
Our last night it stormed something AWFUL and Andrew had a really rough night. His rough night caused us all to over sleep and we left 1.5 hours later than planned. Despite the bump it was a good drive home. The monkey entertained himself until lunch and conked out directly after.

Brandon was bummed we had to, yet again, eat lunch on the road at a McDonalds but I teased that we eat where the kid can play. :) We stopped off at a park in a small historic town to run off some energy after the monkey's nap only to find out that the town was shut down on Mondays. NOTHING was open for us to use the restroom or get a snack. There business days were T-Sat., of course! hehehe. After some fun at the park we scronged up a gas station and headed the rest of the way home.

The weather was perfect, our son was entertaining and an angel, and we didn't have internet so Brandon couldn't be tempted to check his work email. Our complaints: the cabin was WAY too small, smaller than our 700 sq. ft. apartment when we first got married- PLUS- when this big bellied prego woman has to pee she does not want to walk down tight spiral stairs to do it, the cabin didn't have a tub thus the monkey didn't get a bath the whole trip. The plan was to put him in the shower our last morning but with us running behind schedule that didn't happen. He actually had an odor and the whole way home. I was in the back seat with him for most of that trip... smelling him. :-P To top it off, our son has an arm on him and loves to throw his trains... at our heads... he also has good aim. :) lol.
It was an awesome and much needed vacation. Now who wants to take my son for a week so I can rest in a whole other way?! ;)