Monday, March 9, 2009

The thrill of a live audience

Friday night the cast of Bill Breuer's Faery's Kiss geared up for their second show; the only difference was I was playing the part of Fay. It was an excited cast that put on their costumes and makeup that night; we all were still breathing the energy from opening night and were ready to go at it again.

The show started out great! As each scene flew by I was shocked to learn that the next scene was the last of Act I and intermission would soon be upon us. The cast refers to this scene as the "party" scene; probably because the scene is during a party... In this scene, as a faery, I start out invisible to everyone but Thomas Trent; however, he upsets me and I see a need to make my presence known to the whole party. As I storm off stage I have a 3 minute window to peel out of my leotard and untie my skirt. I have to put on a dress, heals, necklaces, a belt, and wig. It may not sound like that much but it takes longer than you might expect and feels a whole lot shorter when standing backstage trying to make sure you don't miss your sound cue. Standing behind the onstage door just milliseconds before my cue I realized that my dress was on backwards. Thinking there was nothing I could do and it would add to the humor of the scene I made my grand entrance as a "mortal" looking absolutely absurd. I stepped out with confidence and made my way through the blocking I had practiced for months. As I leaned my head back to look at Thomas, played by Tim, I felt my wig slide off the back of my head. For a split second the whole room came to a halt and out of the corner of my eye I saw my director's face go sheet white! I said the first thing that came to my mind: "OO!" Charlene, the female villain, laughed an evil laugh picked up the wig and carried on as it was an everyday thing! She covered so nicely we never missed a beat and were able to wring a couple extra laughs out of the audience. As the scene came to an end I realized that my bra had been showing the entire time! The curtain went down and the whole cast burst into laughter as our energy sky rocketed. I looked at my director and with a big smile on my face said: "My dress is on backwards, my bra is showing, and my wig fell off!" Needless to say, it took almost the whole intermission for us all to calm down.

Despite a few lines getting dropped or added the show went exceedingly well. We had a great audience and we all were very proud of everyones performance. Everyone had only positive things to say to us as they left the theatre and the comments in the comment box were just as encouraging.

Friday night I was visited by friends from the Whodunnit Theatre Company (where I performed Fashion Show at the Castle of Blood) and a couple of my scrapbooking ladies. It was great to see everyone and hear how much fun they had! One weekend down and 3 performances to go. I perform Fay on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday and help run tech on Friday. I can't wait! :)

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