Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Awkward in the Lime Light

The second weekend of Faery's Kiss was full of laughs, blurbs, and fun! Thursday night we had hit our stride; with an attentive and active audience it was the best show yet. Saturday and Sunday went just as well and although I'm sad it's over I am really looking forward to spending evenings with my husband and dog again.

On Sunday morning Brandon and I got up early with plans to meet some of his family for breakfast. We all got in out cars and met at Our Best Restaurant in Louisville before the show. As everyone was standing in the foyer waiting for them to ready our table a couple and an older woman were on their way out the door. We all smiled and moved out of the way; however, I noticed that the younger of the two women was staring at me. I smiled at her and looked away; as I glanced back a few seconds later she was still staring at me. Again, I smiled. As she reached for the door she finally spoke up asking if I had been in a play recently. Unsure of where this was going I hesitantly stated yes. She grinned from ear to ear and shouted: "YOU'RE FAY, FAY SPRITE!"

How she recognized me with me hair a mess and my glasses on is beyond me but she did and had just announced it to the whole restaurant, again, I hesitantly stated yes and felt a blush coming on. She looked over at her husband and clucked that she had been right; turning to me she explained that the minute I had walked in the door she had known it was me but he hadn't believed her. Her husband chimed in his defense explaining that he hadn't been sure at first but now that they were up next to me he could see that she was right, I was Fay. Then all at the same time the woman, her husband, and the older woman all poured on their praise about the show, how much they loved it, and how excited they were to meet me. After a few thank yous, shaking all of their hands, and smiles they took their leave.

Immediately I looked at Brandon and said: "That was weird!" He just laughed and agreed. As we finally got to our table I sat down next to grandma, who proudly stated that she didn't know that she was eating breakfast with a celebrity! hehe. :)

Some may think that sort of attention would be fun; I found it awkward. Having a complete stranger approach me and dote on me in such a way was a little embarrassing and weird. Although it was great PR for the show and theatre company, let's just say I hope it doesn't happen to me again!

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