Sunday, January 2, 2011


The Mann family 2010 year end review:

The year started off with a bang as a new President was elected at my job.

Brandon turned 27.

I joined the Praise Team at church and began singing with a group again- LOVE IT!!!

Brandon beat me, for the first time, in frisbee golf.

Work had a Ladies Mad Hatter Tea Party where we all got gussied up with our fancy hats and drank fancy tea. It was a fun and relaxing afternoon for all of us.

Brandon and I actually gardened; something I was quite proud of, only to have it destroyed by the absurdly high temperatures.

I had surgery for my endometriosis and less than 2 weeks later we got pregnant.

We lost Granddaddy Carrico and a week later found out I was pregnant.

We traveled to NC for the 4th of July and spent a wonderful long weekend with family and friends.

My sister came home from Japan to stay! Getting to see more of her this year has been a MAJOR blessing and we're SO glad she is home for longer than a few weeks.

We lost Aunt Barbara Nell and Uncle Kenny to a motor cycle accident. A tragic and surprising loss to the family given that we had only lost granddaddy a month or so before.

I started having contractions at 18 weeks and was put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy.

I turned 25 and despite being on bed rest Brandon made sure that my birthday was a very special day for me.

My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Avery Letta Asher, and my sweet nephew turned 3!!!! I can not believe how old he is or how big he is. We have spent the last 3 years laughing at his antics, words, and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute with him.

I hosted a Kennedy Christmas at our house this year with great success and Brandon and I spent our New Years Eve watching Big Bang Theory and Salt. :)

Tiko has provided much entertainment this year, as he usually does, and we're looking forward to seeing how he will react to his new brother. He's been so great with the neighbor's little boy and with our nephew that we have no worries that he'll do great with Andrew.

It has been a year with many trials, ups, downs, and blessings. It has flown by and we both are excited to start 2011 and get our roles as parents up and running.

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