Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where Did It Go?

With a UK basketball game filling our large flat screen TV and my husband fully engrossed in the picture I have had to spend the last half of my Saturday afternoon finding ways to entertain myself.

With plans to take Tiko for a walk I bundled up to quickly run out and check the mail before heading out. With my coat on I unlocked the door and whistled for Tiko. We both headed out the door and I walked down to the mailbox with Tiko lagging behind in the driveway. Once my hands were full of the daily mail and I turned to head back up the driveway I saw Tiko take off at a sprint and anxiously wait for me to meet him at the door. Once he sat down and let me enter the house first I gave him the okay to enter. With a bit of excitement in his step he bounded into the house and pounced on his giraffe at the edge of the rug. Tiko landed on the giraffe at an angle and the little toy got pushed under the rug. In Tiko's excitement the corner he had just disturbed got flipped back down and the giraffe became hidden under the rug.

Tiko began jumping around and searching frantically for the toy as I stood in the foyer watching and laughing. Excitement still covering his face he ran in a circle slowly becoming confused as to where the toy went. He bounded left, he bounded right, ran into the bedroom, and made the circle around the love seat but the giraffe was no where to be found.

I stayed in the foyer through the whole exchange just laughing at my crazy dog and listening to Brandon encourage Tiko to go get it. Tiko's excitement over the game never ceased; however, as more time passed he did grow more and more frantic. Finally giving him a break I uncovered the giraffe and patiently waited for Tiko to make the discovery. Seeing that giraffe was under the rug and he was going to have to go in after it Tiko nervously approached the rug. With a quick grab and dash plan Tiko retrieved his giraffe with triumph and began parading it around the room. Completely forgetting that we were going to go for a walk he coaxed me into a game of tag instead; I guess the walk will have to wait until after dinner.

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