Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bed Rest is Stressful

It has never ceased to amaze me at the profound effect being outside the enclosement of 4 walls has on me. It is my belief that we were made to out in God's creation, not hiding from it within sturdy walls of concrete. I was created to be out in the wind, experiencing the ground under my feet, the sun and snow and rain on my skin, and the sound of bugs in my ears. I was made to explore woods and valleys, walk the neighborhood streets, and conquer the deserted canyons! I was NOT wired to sit in front of a TV or lay in a bed all day.

With this in mind the idea of bed rest, for a possibility of 5 months, was enough to drive me insane and over that 5 months cause a serious bout of depression. As soon as the Dr ordered my to bed rest immediate plans began forming in my head as to how I would find ways to get out beyond the walls of our house and outside; whether it be our back yard or else where.

It's in time like these I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful and understanding husband. He knew keeping my couped up in the house would drive my nuts and in turn cause me to drive him nuts. He'd been wanting to purchase a porch swing for a couple weeks but lack of time had prevented him from really finding anything. I, on the other hand, had nothing but time and could spend hours scowering the Internet for the perfect swing. When one was found that Brandon liked he went out that very night to purchase it and bring it home.

Putting it together was easy and the result made every minute of it's 2 hour creation worth it. We both sighed as we sat down and huge grins split our faces as we made the first swing. For an hour we simply just sat there. we didn't talk but just enjoyed the movement and one each others company. Contentment washed over me as I reached for Brandon's hand and gave him a light squeeze of thanks and love. He didn't even need ask if I was happy because he could see it written all over my face. When he finally got up to go back to work he left me on the swing asking if I would be okay.

Grinning from ear to ear, taking a deep breath, and closing my eyes so that I could feel the wind on my face I simply stated: "Of course!" I can now ease the stress of bed rest outside, where I belong.

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