Thursday, August 5, 2010


It's true what they say, once married each individual needs to take time to go home and spend time with their family alone. I was lucky enough to have the privileged to do just that this past weekend. It was a wonderful day filled with much laughter and entertainment most of which was provided by my incredible nephew, Kyndahl.

Kyndahl will be 3 in October and truly is the best kid out there. Despite only getting about a collective 45 min. nap he was quite reasonable the whole day while Amanda and I were out shopping. Our last stop was Walmart and, per usual, the kid had me laughing the whole time. He was starting to get whiny when we first went in so I gave him some string cheese to pacify him; the kid LOVES cheese. He found my trick of stringing it quite funny and told me: "You silly Erin." When he finished the cheese he fussed about wanting more so I asked if he would like an apple instead and he eagerly agreed; the kid didn't eat lunch so we were not surprised he was downing every scrap of food I was giving him.

As we neared the end of our trip Amanda decided to make a stop at the pharmacy while I parked Kyndahl's stroller next to a bench and hunkered down to share the apple with him. We played and giggled as we shared the apple making funny faces and noises at one another. When Kyndahl was done he held the apple out to me exclaiming: "I'm done!" I made sure that he didn't want anymore, that he was done, and told him I was going to throw it away and again he told me: "I'm done!". Thinking nothing of it I got up and threw the apple in the garbage close by. Immediately Kyndahl burst into tears, the big sad ones that made his eyes become the size of saucers. He was utterly heartbroken that I had thrown his apple away. "MY APPLE!!!" he cried. I explained that he said he was done so I threw the apple away and it was gone. He began to sob:


I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. Kyndahl kept sobbing despite my attempts to reassure him that it was okay, while trying not to laugh at him. After a minute or so I told Amanda we were going to go for a walk to try and distract and calm him down. As we passed the garbage can he reached toward it and cried again:


Still laughing we made our way toward the door and ended up passing a large display of yellow roses. Kyndahl was still crying over the apple as we walked past but was quickly distracted by his favorite color:

"MY APPLE, I DIDN'T... OOO- Yellow!" At which point he immediately broke out into giggles and wanted to show me all the yellow that he saw. We stood for a moment to talk about all the different colors while he pointed them all out and then made our way back to the pharmacy to pick up Amanda. As we headed back you would have never known that he was recently so distraught over not getting to say goodbye to his apple if it weren't for his tear stained face.

He really is a character and always keeps you guessing and laughing! :)

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