Friday, July 16, 2010

I Need Your Clothes

It being a Friday I was feeling quite lazy this morning. The laundry in our house desperately needs to be done so I was really low on work clothes. Not caring much to search for something and thinking that I would spend the day on the floor going through boxes anyway, I opted for jeans and tennis shoes.

At 9:20 my boss called to let me know that the company was coming over for a meeting and although I had not been requested for minutes she wanted to keep me on standby, just in case. Panic immediately set it, I was not dressed for a meeting with the company. Meetings with the company require professional dress and I don't think jeans and tennis shoes qualify. My wonderful husband recommended I take my lunch early and run out to get something. I could then leave the clothes in my office should such an occasion happen again. I calmly called my boss back and asked what time the meeting was: "9:30" she replied. OF COURSE!

I made my way up to the front desk and calmly asked Laura what she was wearing today. With her looking at me as though I had three heads I explained that I was not kidding and asked again. Slowly she slide her chair out from under her desk and I saw that she had on dress pants. I smiled and asked her if I could possibly trade her outfits. I could see the look of confusion on her face so I explained that I might be needed in a meeting with the company. I was lazy, didn't have any work clothes clean, and expected to spend the day on the floor and was in jeans and tennis shoes. At once she started cracking up laughing. I explained I didn't have time to go get anything because the meeting started like... now! I wasn't sure if I was going to be needed but if I was would she be willing to trade me clothes? Still laughing she agreed. We'll see whether or not we'll have to trade outfits but at least I have options. :)

I never thought being as small as I am that I would have a co-worker that could trade me clothes. God bless Laura and her short and slender frame, she's a lifesaver!

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