Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stupid Dog

My hope is that once we have this baby all my fun stories will revolve around the child and not our dog and his crazy antics. Yet again I find myself shaking my head and wondering how in the world the dog is still alive. He's provided numerous opportunities for us to do the dirty deed for him but he's also gotten into situations where he could do it himself... that would be the case today.

Over the last couple weeks we have not been allowing Tiko up on our bed. He had become territorial of it and we wanted him to learn that being on the bed was a privilege and not a right.

This morning I woke up and Tiko was not anywhere to be seen. Assuming that Brandon had put him outside I climbed out of bed with the intentions of getting ready for work. As I put my foot down I came with inches of stepping on the dog's nose. Perplexed at why Tiko's head was poking out from under the bed I crouched down and found that it wasn't just his head that was under the bed, his entire body was laying comfortably beneath my mattress and box spring. I laughed at his pitiful face and called him to me. He inched forward and stopped when his shoulder hit the side board; giving me a sad pitiful face he let out a small cry. I burst out laughing and called him again. He inched forward again and then immediately retreated crying and obviously agitated; he was stuck. I wanted to be upset, I was going to be late for work, but I just couldn't help but laugh. He looked so pitiful and distraught. His eyes were begging me for help and unfortunately I couldn't do anything about it. I called Brandon and he was as shocked as I was. How in the world Tiko got under the bed or even why still astounds us.

Since I'm pregnant I wasn't going to be able to lift the bed and let Tiko out, not that it mattered the bed was going to be too heavy for me to lift pregnant or not. Brandon and I decided that if a neighbor was unable to come and help Brandon had plans to drive home and get him out from the under the bed, stupid dog.

I left the dog crying as I went to get ready for work. In the end I decided to pull the dog out myself. My hope was that the painful experience would teach him not to get under the bed again and this would be the one and only time he got under the bed. My true feelings where that he got himself into the mess and I was not about to provide an easy way for him to get out.

I called Tiko to me and yet again he inched to his shoulders, cried, and stepped back. Laughing and talking in a calm tone I called him again. This time when his shoulders hit the side board I grabbed up under his armpits and gave him a yank. He let out a yelp but I held firm trying not to laugh and instead provide a soothing tone. When he started to back peddle I strictly told him to "come on". We struggled back and forth like this for 20 minutes; me gaining an inch or so and Tiko trying to go back under the bed where the wood wasn't crushing him and pulling at his fur.

Finally I was able to scoot the last of his butt and hips out, at which point Tiko gave me a big kiss and took off running like a mad dog around the house. You could almost see the "I'M FREE!!! I'M FREE!!!" expression cross his face and body as he bounded about with his tongue hanging out.

If there is one thing I've learned it's that Tiko has prepared Brandon and I for children in more ways than I ever imagined a dog would. I guess I should be thankful, stupid dog!

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