Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Being the bargain hunter that I am I live for a good sale, a great coupon, and the words 50% off and clearance. It is a rare occasion that I spend full retail price on anything and it was no different as I shopped for after Christmas deals last year.

For two years we have used a hand-me-down tree that was given to us by friends when we moved in to our first home in 2008. It was 6 feet of Charlie Brown sadness and looked utterly dwarfed in our vaulted ceiling living room. Since it was free I never complained, instead each year I did my best to make the little tree look its best and took pride in my efforts to bring out the most Christmas cheer. After looking at the tree for the second year my wonderful hubby decided it was time to put the little tree out of it's misery and look for a new one.

Excited at the prospect of getting a great after Christmas deal I struck out on the hunt for a Christmas tree. Luck was on my side as I walked the isles of one of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby; I had found a gorgeous 9ft, prelit, pine tree with cute little pine cones for less than $90. Excited at my find I checked with Brandon, tied it the car, and brought it home to store until the next Christmas.

Brandon, not having to work this past weekend, was in quite a funk Saturday night with nothing to do and nothing to watch. Wanting to cheer him up I suggested we get out the Christmas tree and put it up. Having already broken tradition by watch two holiday movies I thought why not go all out if it meant putting a smile on my hubby's face.

We opened the tree and found that it was missing a key safety feature and part that was essential to it staying upright; the small key bolt that held the base in place. Not only that but the tree stand was broken and one of the plastic pieces that held some the branches was cracked. We both discussed that maybe this was the reason it was on clearance; however, would the store really sell a tree with out the most important piece and safety feature? Deciding Brandon would rig something up for this year and we would find another one after Christmas we pieced it together and stood back as it towered over us. It filled the room and truly accented our vaulted ceilings nicely; however, our hearts began to sink as we realized we did not have any where near enough ornaments to fill it's many branches and the tree was just too big. It was with saddened hearts that we packed the tree back in the box, prayed that it could be returned and another search for a Christmas Tree began.

Having found a good deal at Lowes we headed out Sunday afternoon to make our Holiday purchase and save our Christmas. Lowes website stated that the store had 17 of the tree that we wanted; however, we could not locate them in the store. After having spent 15 minutes searching on our own we enlisted the help of a Lowes employee. For 20 minutes he searched the store, scowered the stock room, and checked the inventory list. Smiling he gently explained that inventory said they had 17 in house but for the life of him he had no idea where they were; he even went as far to offer us the next tree up for the lower price. Having been in situations like this many times Brandon and I just laughed, this poor guy had no idea who walked into his store and that this young couple in search of a Christmas tree had the worst of luck. Of course Lowes wouldn't be able to find 17 Christmas trees because Brandon and I were the people asking for one! In the end we traveled a short distance to another Lowes and quickly found the tree we were looking for.

It's 7.5ft of prelit spruce greatness now stands in the corner of our living room. Although still undecorated and bare we both know it will hold us until we can collect enough ornaments to buy the grander tree. Our only hope is that when we do it comes with all the parts and can be found when we want it. ;)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Too Good to Be True

This past weekend I attended my Memory Keeper's Fall 2010 weekend long scrapbooking retreat. It was a great weekend of scrapbooking, laughter, plenty of food, and deep fellowship with some of the greatest women I know! Having spent most of my weekend sitting in a chair, bending over a table, and exerting excessive amounts of energy laughing by the time 3:PM on Sunday rolled around I was ready to crash on my feet. On my way home I gathered what energy I had left so that I would be fully stocked to give my hubby any amount of time he wanted for the evening.

As I stepped into the house Tiko came running and gave me a warm heartfelt welcome that included lots of tail wagging and nose nudging. Ignoring his excited behavior I made a beeline for Brandon and gave him a big hug and kiss. When he asked how I was I honestly answered: "I'm good, tired but the weekend was wonderful." I hunkered down on the ottoman and gave all my attention and energy to Brandon. We chatted for a while about our weekends and I showed him the pages I had created; before I knew it an hour had passed and Brandon was asking me if I was hungry for dinner. Realizing I was I sincerely asked what sounded good and prepared to get up and fix something. With a twinkle in his eye Brandon told me he had dinner planned and asked if I wanted to take a nap while he cooked. Deciding on a nap he went and retrieved my pillows for me, tucked me in on the couch, and started dinner.

Once dinner was prepared and cooking in the oven we took Tiko for a walk and enjoyed each others company. Having not noticed anything before we left I came home and was surprised to find that Brandon had already set the table and even got out the candles. When I looked around even more I noticed he had done the dishes and picked up the house as well. Dinner was DELICIOUS and he took care of the dishes when we were all done. We spent the rest of the evening watching another Christmas movie with hot coco and pumpkin bread.

Having been gone all weekend, hanging out with my ladies, I left my retreat fully ready to give to my husband, cook dinner, and take care of any house work that Brandon wanted done. Instead I came home to a husband who wanted to treat me instead; I trully have the sweetest and greatest husband EVER!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Holiday Spirit

During Brandon's busy time where he works anywhere from 60-80 hours a week it is a rare occasion that I get an entire evening with my hubby, even on weekends. Last night Brandon completed everything that needed to be done, was completely caught up, and was done working around 6:PM. Ecstatic about the possibility of spending an entire evening with my hubby I couldn't help but chuckle as he paced the house trying to figure out what it was that he wanted to do.

With a lopsided grin he mentioned that he was in the mood for a Christmas movie. Laughing because we both know that I have a rule of no Christmas music, decor, or movies until after Thanksgiving I couldn't help but agree a Christmas movie sounded like a good idea. Since the only movie we had was Christmas Vacation, a movie I HATE, Brandon suggested we go buy one. Thus at 7:PM on a Tuesday night we found ourselves scowering Walmart for a holiday classic with no luck. I must not have realized how much my hubby was in need of some Christmas cheer because to my surprise he recommended we head down to Half Price to continue the search.

The display of holiday movies just inside the door helped our cause and we were in and out with in 15 minutes. With two Christmas movies in hand we headed back to the house with plans to make some hot chocolate, heat up some pumpkin bread, and curl up together with a Christmas movie.

I am ashamed to say that we celebrated some Christmas cheer last night; however, it was totally worth breaking tradition to get to spend such a nice night with my hubby. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Caution: Children at Play

As each week of my pregnancy progresses I find myself getting more and more eager to meet this little Mann growing inside of me. I think every pregnant woman's excitement rises the further along she gets. Not only is all the discomfort of carrying the baby coming to an end but the chance to hold the little one and feel the sense of relief that it was all worth it is closing in fast.

Although I feel like I would be ready to hold my little guy right now I'm attempting to remain patient and allow him to grow and brew a little longer with in the safety of my womb. I'm also trying to continue to take in the little moments that I know I'll miss once he's born.

As on most nights, I was ready and in bed before Brandon. I maneuvered my pillows all around me just right and got comfortable while waiting for Brandon to finish getting ready and climb into bed with me. He turned on the fan and bedside lamp and climbed in immediately turning to face to me. Only with in the last week or so has he started to reach for my growing belly on a regular basis and when he first climbed in I made sure to let him know that the baby was on the move to encourage him. Smiling he got comfortable and moved to place his hand on my stomach. As soon as his hand was fully placed on my side where the movement was most prevalent the baby gave his dad a good hard kick, the kind where his foot protrudes from my stomach and looks like something out of an alien movie. Brandon's eyes widen is sheer delight and surprise and his mouth twitched with a sly smile; laughing at Brandon's response I immediately knew where this was going.

Keeping his hand fully on my side and stomach Brandon pushed back; his eyes twinkling with mischief. Brandon's effort was rewarded as the baby responded with in seconds causing Brandon's smile to grow and my laughter to get louder. For the next 15 minutes I watched and felt as my son and husband "played" together each pushing the other as if it were a game of tag. Brandon would push down and the baby would push back, if the baby moved away from Brandon he would follow and game would continue. As Brandon and I laughed and enjoyed what little interaction we get with the little guy I couldn't help but think the baby was enjoying it as much as we were. His movements were consistent and he wouldn't push unless Brandon did; when Brandon finally removed his hand the baby's movement increased as if to ask where was daddy going.

By the time Brandon stopped the game I was exhausted and sore and I realized just before slipping off into dream land that my son has not even been born yet and his daddy is already teaching him how to aggravate his mommy. lol.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Take 2

This past weekend Brandon and I ran away to Brown County for a long weekend vacation. We left the computer at home and were thrilled to discover that we had limited cell phone service while in town and no service at Russell's Roost, our B&B.

For those that know us and remember, this is the same location we visited for our 1 year anniversary. I am proud to say that this years experience was a lot more enjoyable and less eventful than the last. The weather was perfect with NO rain, there was NO boil water advisories, and NO illness befell on either one of us!

We stayed at the same b&b, in the same room, and were excited to see the owners again. Dana is an amazing cook and it was comforting to know that her LARGE breakfasts would keep us from having to eat lunch. Friday night we visited a local coffee shop, The Fig Tree, for a free play that Dana was doing sound effects for; we laughed the night away while sipping some really good hot chocolate. We spent Saturday and Sunday perusing town for Christmas gifts, laughing, people watching, and just hanging out with one another. We made sure to stop by the Marionette Theatre this time and discovered that the local General Store has the best Pumpkin Bread we've ever tasted!

The only thing we didn't care for was the restaurant food. We learned that we don't like any of the local cuisine; although, the 2 Italian places ROCK we have yet to find a restaurant, other than the Italian ones, that we like.

Before we left we made sure to pick up some of their signature Blackberry wine, for when I'm done breast feeding, and came home Monday afternoon. We made it through Louisville before rush hour and spent the rest of the day relaxing at home with Tiko. It was an INCREDIBLE weekend and we both agree it was one of the best vacations we've taken.

Need a close and fun weekend get away, Brandon and I highly recommend Nashville, IN. Stay at Russell's Roost and be sure to stop by Calzone Jone's for dinner.