Sunday, June 5, 2011

This One's For The Birds

Given that we only have one tree in our yard I'm always excited when I find a bird nest; last year we had babies and it was my hope that we would again this year. I've never minded their high pitch chirping and since we have a garage they are unable to poop on our cars. :)

For weeks I've searched the branches for a nest and have never been able to see one. As it turns out my disappointed searches were due to my lack of height. Brandon informed me that not only do we have a nest but three little babies sitting inside. Determined to see the little guys I started jumping and hopping all around the tree trying to make myself tall enough to get a peek.

After thoroughly embarrassing my husband he offered to take a picture for me instead since my silliness was getting me no where. Eagerly I gave him my camera and watched as he attempted to stick it between the leaves and snap a picture. As Brandon made every attempt to get the camera to focus I noticed that momma and poppa birdy were perched on the roof top chirping a sharp warning at both of us. Eyeing the pair wearily I called out a warning to Brandon as one of them made a bee-line for the tree.

Swooping low the bird cried out as it soared past us with it's intent more than evident. Brandon bent at the knees and lowered his head he was just missed by the bird flying past. Eyeing the bird as it re-perched on the roof and began it's sharp warning again, I laughed and mentioned that he should hurry up and take the picture.

After the birds third attempt to peck Brandon's eye out he gave up and handed me my camera. My hopes of getting a peek at the babies were squelched as I looked at what Brandon was able to get.

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