In our kitchen/ dining room we have hummingbird feeders that hang in front of the window. This morning when I opened the curtains I saw what I thought was a horse fly on the feeder. It's not uncommon to find bugs drinking the sweet nectar so I tapped the window to get it to fly away, instead it turned around. It wasn't a horse fly, it was a huge spider about the size of a marble shooter (for those that know what that is...). The feeder is at eye level for me and I found myself staring in to the two little beady eyes of the thing. It was so large I could make out the eyes and fangs in perfect clarity. It was almost as if she turned around to asked what I wanted.
Surprisingly, I didn't scream (I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders, especially ones her size!) I calmly walked away and finished getting ready for work. All the while in the back of my mind I was making plans to get the broom and finish her off.
Once ready for work I went straight for the broom and the bug blocker barrier spray. I knocked her off the feeder until she hung from it then I knocked her to the ground and went Chuck Norris on the ground where she fell. I then swept the entire perimeter of the patio and both back windows. Any time I saw a spider it was swept off and I Chuck Norrised it's butt. After I felt sure that all my little "friends" were gone, along with their numerous sacks of children, I began spraying bug stuff in all the crevasses and along all the seams of the back of the house. I sprayed until I had to leave for work and have plans to finish the job the minute I get home.
For the spiders sake, they better hope they're all dead... if they're not, they're gonna be!
I know I'm going to have the creepy crawlies all day with the stupid image of her beady eyes in my head!
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12 years ago