Friday, March 26, 2010

Pee Stick Blessings


As my Dr. requested I have been doing an ovulation test everyday since my cycle ended. For 6 months I have seen negative tests and I was not expecting to see anything different today. To my great surprised there were two lines on my test making it a positive test. For a whole minute I just gaped at it unsure of what to do. Once I recovered I immeditally called my Dr. to inform her. She was surprised and confused, that would make my cycle over 40 days long! To have such a long cycle AND ovulate was not really possible to her.

It's possible to me because with God all things are possible.
She asked me to take a second test in 20 minutes just to be sure. Sure enough, the second test came out positive and I burst into tears; I couldn't help it. I'm an emotional person and after the roller coaster of what if's and maybe nots I have gotten the last couple weeks I was excited to see God work this little miracle and give me the reassurance I so desperately needed.

I called my husband in tears, confusing the poor guy. I had to explain that they were happy tears because God had answered my fervent prayers. I had also asked my bible study ladies, who are prayer warriors, to pray and when they ask God answers!

I may still have a long road ahead of me; however, I now feel I have the strength to walk it. I have hope and renewed faith that my Father is a Father of grace, mercy, and LOVE! He knew what I needed and that I was reaching my limit. He reached out and gave me a great big HUG as he whispered in my ear that he loved me.

I am schedule to have laparoscopic surgery in April to get a better idea of what's really going on and give my Dr. the chance to see how bad it all is in there. It should help my montly pain along with increase our chances of getting pregnant. The best part is that our insurance covers the procedure 100%, YAY God!

Who knows if I'll birth my own kids. Who knows if we're called to adopt. Either way this little blessing has given me what I needed, a little hope of something greater.

I'm thankful for my pee stick blessing!

1 comment:

  1. OMG that's a lot of information to be sharing on the internet!!!

    Let's chat soon - phone or online. I miss you!
