Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 months

My little monkey is moving so fast sometimes I feel like he is just a blur in my vision as he cruises by. He's pulling up on anything that will support him and moves along the furniture like a pro. He's even begun to move from the couch to the ottoman and back again. He's super proud of himself for this.

He cracks me up because every time he pulls up he grins with such satisfaction that you can't help but smile in return and praise him for his valiant efforts. He continues to be a happy child; something I don't think he'll ever grow out of. He loves charming and smiling at everyone who's willing to look at him. Even when he hits beyond the point of exhaustion he'll pull out one of his heart melting smiles for who ever is standing in line behind us at the grocery store.

He's quite the dare devil; absolutely loving it when Brandon or Pop throw him up in the air, hang him upside down, or bounce him around on the bed or couch. It warms my heart to know my little monkey will one day get on the Vortex, if it's still around, with me at Kings Island. His laughter is contagious and Brandon and I both are truly blessed when it comes to Andrew.

Him and Tiko are still buddies; although, Tiko is struggling with the concept that Andrew is higher on the totem pole and pecking order in our family. It's gotten to the point that any time Tiko gets fed the monkey gets to play in and with the dog food first. Not exactly the way I would want to teach Tiko but I will admit it has been exceedingly effective in making my point. We'll be bringing the treats back out this week to reinforce the behavior we're looking for. That task alone has been exhausting...for everyone.

As the monkey continues to explore his surroundings we've seen that he is a quick learner. He knows what "No" means and is already testing those boundaries. I've known from the beginning that he would be a strong willed child and his pushing only confirms that thought.

Although he may look like his daddy, his social extrovertness and talkative nature he gets from his mommy! His current vocabulary is limited but he does enjoy saying those few words OVER and OVER changing his intonation and volume. He loves to tell stories or just sit in his car seat and chatter. We laugh now but I'm sure once the garble becomes real words we'll long for the days of his coos and silence.

For now we simply enjoy every smile and moment we get. :)

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